Fish From Cory are in the Retail Store This Week + 2nd STORE SALE! 🆕
This week is an exciting week for the Aquarium Co-Op Retail Store! In addition to our usual deliveries, we received some rare livebearers from Cory including Trout Goodeids, Limia Perugie, Redtail Goodeids (Xenotaca Eiseni), Yellow Knife Livebearers (Alfaro Cultratus), and Nezze Swordtails (Xiphophorus Nezahualcoyotl)!Â
We also received some great looking batches of Reticulated Hillstream Loaches, German Blue Rams, and Eques Pencilfish as well.
We still have lots of extra full plants this week, too! Our Amazon Swords are looking particularly robust and huge and most of them are fully converted to their underwater forms!
We are also running our Retail Store "garage" sale again this Tuesday-Thursday (5/14-5/16)! This sale is for the physical Retail Store Only and will have tank lights, medications, filter materials, and more! It's a great opportunity to stock up on some aquarium supplies while they last.