Coconut huts are the perfect hideout and breeding spot for many different species of fish. Its all-natural appearance will not be distracting in your tank and helps mimic the natural habitats where fish live.
Perfect for Cave Spawners
If you're looking for something a little bigger than the apisto cave, get the coconut hut. Apistogramma, eels, plecos, and other shy fish can hang out in it and even lay their eggs inside.
Natural Way All Day
The cave is indeed made from a coconut and creates a very natural look. Many people like to use super glue gel to attach anubias, moss, and other plants that don't need substrate.
My betta loves his new house! Perfect size for him to get away from the light and the rest of the fish.
Brittney H. (Mount Vernon, WA, US)
Perfect hideout
Our fish absolutely love them, we have two of these coconuts so they can all enjoy
Cameron M. (Phoenix, AZ, US)
works just like it should!
looks much darker than in the photo, especially in the tank, but still looks great
Tiffany J. (Dover, DE, US)
Love the hut!
Great addition to my aquarium. Perfect size and nice quality. Looking forward to seeing who makes it their home!
Robert H. (Pleasant View, TN, US)
Coconut hut review
Arrived quickly and in excellent condition as expected from Co-op. My apistos like it and began checking it out immediately. Hopefully some babies soon!